Fixed fees, no worries

Company Restorations

One of the most common applications before the courts in the area of company law is the restoration of a company to the register under Part 12 of the Companies Act 2014. The need for such applications arises where the company has been "struck off" the register for more than 12 months, usually for failing to file its annual return. Once that happens, the only way to regularise the company's affairs so that it can continue trading is by applying to the court for its restoration to the register. Such applications may also be made in respect of Friendly Societies, and Industrial and Provident Societies.

Restoration applications are normally made unopposed but require the written consent of a number of statutory bodies.

We are pleased to be able to offer restoration applications on a fixed cost basis, which includes the following:

Price: €3,950 plus VAT
Price for Counsel only: €1,800 plus VAT*

*This option is suitable if you are a solicitor or already have a solicitor and only wish to instruct one of our specialist Counsel.